DraynSTOP - Decentralized and Distributed Waste Water Management Solution- Sewage Treatment (Ozone) Plant

Sewage Treatment Ozone Plant’s modular architecture in reinforced cement concrete (RCC), fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) supports Decentralized and Distributed Sewage Treatment employing proven Facultative - Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (F-ABR) processes which have been successfully and convincingly demonstrated; delivering irrefutable results; to the satisfaction of the local PCB and other related statutory authorities … delivering treated water discharge conforming to the required and stipulated norms and standards.


DraynSTOPis a distinctively atypical STP constructed underground, entailing a small footprint and permitting decentralized treatment of the sewage (waste water) in lesser manageable batches thereby limiting operational costs related to utilities and man-hours.

Employing proven Facultative - Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (F–ABR) processes which have been successfully and convincingly demonstrated; delivering treated water discharge conforming to the required and stipulated norms and standards. Ozonation (optional) for disinfection when the treated water is recycled/reused.

DraynSTOP’s scalable buildup design in RCC or FRP is low-cost in comparison with other systems and permits payout of the budgeted capital expenditure proportionately over the project implementation; affording the builder flexibility in cash flow management.


Instead of collecting waste water at a central treatment plant, we begin treatment of wastes upstream using an innovative and proprietary facultative anaerobic biological processes to actively degrade complex organic matter and contaminants from the effluent. DHARASTAN’s unique and proprietary enzyme based water treatment system “DraynZyme” represents a distinctive advancement in waste water management. The process consists of continuous release of the required enzymes from specially designed sustain release packs.


Treatment advantages:

  • Decentralized and scalable in modularity of 5m3/day to 100m3/day and upwards.
  • Complete underground system, hence no footprint or below ground moving parts
  • Reduced capital cost as compared to other Technologies in treating Sewage.
  • Works from no load to peak load on installation (no minimum sludge load is required).
  • Eliminate odours by reducing H2S and other harmful gases
  • Prevent accumulation by digesting sludge and scum grease
  • Decompose sludge to precipitate CO2 and other safe gases
  • Reduce need for pump-outs
  • Control pathogens found in sewage
  • Promote oxygen dissolution by eliminating Eutrophication
  • Absolutely no maintenance product; requires no supervision.
  • Electricity consumption is eliminated or minimal in comparison with conventional systems
  • Lowest operational/working cost compared to other conventional treatment methods
  • No skilled labor required to operate.

Characteristics of effluent to be treated

It is expected to process waste water in the following range:

Sr.No. Parameter Units
1. Liters of Water Per Day (KLD) Scalable
2 pH 5 to 8
3 Suspended Solids (S.S) [mg/L] 500 [mg/L]
4 Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) (mg/l) 400 mg/l
5 Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) (mg/l) 500 mg/l
6 Oils and Grease (mg/l) 20 g/l

Characteristics of treated discharge – Target Effluent Standard

The processed discharge water will meet the Target Effluent Standards (Consent to Discharge). The required limits as prescribed by the Water Act, 1974 (Prevention and Control of Pollution) for discharge of environmental pollutants for disposal of water:

Sr.No. Parameter Units
1 pH 6.5 to 8.5
2 Suspended Solids (S.S) [mg/L] 20 [mg/L]
3 Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D.) (mg/l) < 10 mg/l
4 Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D.) (mg/l) < 50 mg/l
5 Oils and Grease (mg/l) 20 g/l
6 E-coli (cfu/100ml) < 2 cfu/100ml